The Tweeter family.
The Tweeter family is big.
Shiny polished, transparent and/or with a matt frosted surface.
Seven colorful colors: red, orange, yellow, white, green, turquoise and dark blue are available. From 10,000 copies we also produce in your customer’s desired color at no extra charge.
The design is subtle and clear. There are also many design options in terms of material and color. With or without a metal tip, the sturdy twist ballpoint pen perfectly highlights your customers’ advertising. Our quality print can be attached to the shaft and on the particularly large clip. The Tweeter: Modern, unobtrusive and made in Europe.
Of course you can also write with the tweeter. Good, blue and long. It sits comfortably in the hand and the X20 quality lead guarantees excellent writing.
Tweeter transparent Metall
Dreh-Kugelschreiber mit Metallspitze glänzend verchromt, Schaft und Clip transparent in weiß, gelb, orange, rot, grün, türkis und dunkelblau, blauschreibende Jumbo-Mine.
- Item number:
- 428210001012301651797036903210280
- Color:
- whiteyelloworangeredgreenturquoisedark blue
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,57 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter solid Metall
Dreh-Kugelschreiber mit Metallspitze glänzend verchromt, Schaft und Clip in Vollton weiß, gelb, orange, rot, grün, blau und schwarz, blauschreibende Jumbo-Mine.
- Item number:
- 428200001010901651795035602870002
- Color:
- whiteyelloworangeredgreendark blueblack
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,57 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter frost Metall
Dreh-Kugelschreiber mit Metallspitze matt verchromt, Schaft und Clip transparent gefrostet in weiß, gelb, orange, rot, grün, türkis und dunkelblau, blauschreibende Jumbo-Mine.
- Item number:
- 428220001012301651797036903210280
- Color:
- whiteyelloworangeredgreenturquoisedark blue
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,57 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter flash
Dreh-Kugelschreiber, Schaft in weiß, Spitze und Clip transparent farbig in gelb, orange, rot, grün, türkis und blau, blauschreibende X20 Mine.
- Item number:
- 42810012301651797036903210280
- Color:
- yelloworangeredgreenturquoisedark blue
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,39 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter color
Dreh-Kugelschreiber, Schaft und Clip in weiß, Spitze farbig in gelb, orange, rot, grün, blau und schwarz, blauschreibende X20 Mine.
- Item number:
- 42812010901651795035602870002
- Color:
- yelloworangeredgreendark blueblack
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,39 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter transparent
Dreh-Kugelschreiber, Schaft und Clip transparent in weiß, gelb, orange, rot, grün, türkis und dunkelblau, blauschreibende X-20 Mine.
- Item number:
- 428010001012301651797036903210280
- Color:
- whiteyelloworangeredgreenturquoisedark blue
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,29 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter solid
Dreh-Kugelschreiber, Schaft und Clip in weiß, gelb, orange, rot, grün, türkis, dunkelblau und schwarz, blauschreibende X20 Mine.
- Item number:
- 428000001010901651795035602870002
- Color:
- whiteyelloworangeredgreendark blueblack
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,29 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter neon
Dreh-Kugelschreiber, Schaft und Clip in neonfarbig in gelb, orange, pink und hellgrün, blauschreibende X20 Mine.
- Item number:
- 428080809081108120802
- Color:
- yelloworangepinklight green
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,29 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors:
Tweeter frost
Dreh-Kugelschreiber, Schaft und Clip transparent gefrostet in weiß, gelb, orange, rot, grün, türkis und dunkelblau, blauschreibende X20 Mine.
- Item number:
- 428020001012301651797036903210280
- Color:
- whiteyelloworangeredgreenturquoisedark blue
- Material:
- Plastic
- Operation:
- Twist ballpen
- Price:
- 0,29 €
- Pressure level sketch:
- Pressure level sketch PDF
- available colors: